ALERT:  **** Look here for game status updates each day in case there is a delay or cancelation; typically posted 1hr before the 1st scheduled games that day. ****
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Cornhole PRO League Rules

Last updated:  2018 April

    Updated Rules:

  • Prizes updated
  • The rules format was updated



Cornhole PRO is a weekend tournament expanded and played over 8 weeks.  The number of teams in the league each season will determine the prizes awarded at the end.



Participating Players

  • Each game, teams field up to 2 players to play on 1 sets of boards each round.
  • Teams that are shorthanded may play with only 1 player who can walk back and forth.
  • In the playoffs and in the regular season, if a player walks instead of throwing 4 bags they may only throw 3 bags.
  • Players arriving late may join games in progress (in an open end).
  • If a team is late in the regular season, a game win will be awarded to the other team at the start of the game (scheduled game time) and every 10 minutes after to a max of 5 wins per night.



  • You can have as many players as you want on your roster, but the minimum number of players is 2.
  • Additional players, including players who register as free agents, can be added to the roster anytime until the third week of the season.
  • Captains are responsible for the conduct of teams. This means they’ll need to make sure all players are legal and conform to league play standards.
  • Teams caught with illegal players or subs will lose all games for that night.
    • If this happens twice, that team will be excluded from the playoffs.
  • All players must meet league player requirements. (FAQ - League Information - Player Requirements)
  • All players must wear their league tshirts to participate. (FAQ - League Information - What if I paid late and have not received a league tshirt or forget my league tshirt one night?)
  • From time to time for various reasons players may become upset and curse, complain, and more.  When this occurs, our staff will respond and take actions from issuing a warning, to taking a time out, up to ejecting a player form the game.  For more info reference our FAQ. (FAQ - League Information - Ejections)


Equipment & Field Setup

  • All equipment will be provided by Be Social Richmond.
    • Cornhole boards
    • Bean bags 


League Scoring, Standings, Seeding

  • There’s no time limit on individual games.
  • Games are official once 1 team has scored at least 7 points.


Regular Season

  • Teams play as many games per night vs. their opponent as they can fit in 55 minutes.
  • Games are official once one team has scored at least 7 points.
  • Final game of the night will not count if one team has not scored at least 7 points.
  • The final game of the night can end in a tie if at the end of 55 minutes, the score for both teams is tied and each team had scored more than 7 points.
  • Teams will be assigned either blue or red bags to start the night.
    • Following the first game, alternate the color bags each team starts with.
  • Teams with the red bags will choose their positions on the board first, and then the team with the blue bags may choose their positions.


  • Teams with 1+ more forfeits during the regular season will be excluded from the playoffs.
  • Teams caught using players that are not on their roster or weren’t signed up as legal subs will be excluded from the playoffs.
  • Seeding details this multi-game per night sport can be found in the FAQ (FAQ - League Information - How are standings calculated for the regular season?)
  • The first team to win 2 games vs. their opponent will advance (best of 3 match).
  • Teams will be assigned blue or red bags for the start of the match based on their season standings
    • The lower seed (the team with the best record) will always start as blue.
  • Teams will alternate bag color every other game.
  • There are no ties in the playoffs.


What to Expect on Game Day

Field Setup

  • Boards will be placed 27 feet apart, front to front.
  • Games begin with all 8 bags on 1 board/side.
  • Each team plays with 4 bags of 1 color.

Where to Stand

  • Players on the same team will stand on the same side of the board.
  • The side of the board is determined by the color bags your team’s been assigned.

Game Play

  • The team with the blue bags has honors in round one of all games.
  • The team who has honors will begin play by throwing a bag at the opposite board.
    • If a player throws out of turn, see cornhole fouls below.
  • Players from each team alternate throwing 1 bag at a time until all 8 bags have been thrown.
  • A cornhole player may throw from anywhere on their assigned side but must be behind the front edge of the cornhole board they are throwing from.
    • You may not cross in back of the hole.

Scoring Points

  • 3 points = a bag in the hole.
  • 1 point = a bag on the board.
  • Any bag hanging off the board that does not touch the ground will count.
  • Bags hanging off the front that stay on the board after the front of the board is lifted 4 inches off the ground count. (If the bag falls off it doesn’t count.)
  • If a cornhole bag hits the ground then bounces up onto the board, remove that bag immediately—it doesn’t count.

Cancelation Scoring

  • After each round of throws, teams count the number of points their team scored and then the points for that round are awarded to the team that outscored the other.
    • Example: team A got 1 in the hole and 1 on the board, which is 4 points while their opponent got 2 on the board, which is 2 points—team A receives 2 points that round.

League Standings

  • League standings are based on the winning percentage.
  • The first team to get 21+ points wins that game.
  • If no team has 21 points when time expires, the team with the most points will win.
  • If both teams have the same number of points when time expires, players will alternate throwing 1 bag at a time until the tie is broken.

Honors = Who Throws First?

  • The team with the blue bags has honors in round 1 of all games.
  • The team who wins the round is given honors to throw first in the next round
  • If both cornhole teams have the same round score, then the game score stays the same and honors stays with the team who had it the previous round.

Point System

  • A bag that goes through the hole = 3 points
  • A bag that falls on the playing surface = 1 point
  • A bag that is hanging into the hole = 1 point
  • A bag that is hanging off the edge but not touching the ground = 1 point
  • A bag that is on the playing surface, but also touching the ground = 0 points
  • A bag that is hanging off the front edge and is resting on a cornhole bag that is on the ground = 0 points
    •  However, if you can remove the bag on the ground without the one on the board falling, then 1 point is awarded.


  • A player’s foot that goes past the foot foul line (the front of the cornhole board) is a foul. 
    • The throw the foul occurs on is voided, and if the bag is on the board, remove it.
  • A Player throwing out of turn is a foul.
    • The throw the foul occurs on is voided.
      • If the thrown bag hits any bag on the board, reset the board.
      • The bag is lost for that round.
  • A player removing bags before the last bag is tossed or the score is set is a foul.
    • The non-offending team has the option of asking that the round be replayed.
    • All removed bags scores would count.


Cornhole PRO prize payout:  (will scale to the number of teams in the league)
Minimum 8 teams needed for a league; max 40 teams
When split to 2 divisions that will occur for end of season tournament; Roughly the top 2/3 in standings for Upper payout and lower 1/3 in standings for a Lower level payout with 30 or more teams in league.  The seeding split will be posted by week 4 in the regular season.



Upper Level

Lower Level

# Teams









8 to 11

2 - $50 off








12 to 15

2 - $50 off

2 - $20 off







16 to 19

2 - $50 off

2 - $35 off







20 to 24

2 - $50 off

$100 cash

2 - $35 off

2 - $10 off






25 to 29

2 - $50 off

$100 cash

2 - $50 off

2 - $30 off






30 to 34

2 - $50 off

$200 cash

2 - $50 off $50 cash

2 - $30 off

2 - $20 off


2 - $20 off



35 to 39

2 - $50 off

$200 cash

2 - $50 off $80 cash

2 - $30 off $20 cash

2 - $20 off


2 - $35 off

2 - $10 off



2 - $50 off

$300 cash

2 - $50 off $100 cash

2 - $30 off $40 cash

2 - $20 off

2 - $10 off

2 - $50 off

2 - $25 off

2 - $10 off

NOTE: $xx off refers to an electronic coupon will be awarded for that value that may be used towards future play in BSR leagues that will be valid for 1 year from the issue date



All rules are subject to change when and as needed by BSR staff