SUMMER league players - 6/28 at 9am is the deadline to pay your summer league fees by to receive a summer league tshirt. Players who pay their fees after 9am on 6/28 will not receive a shirt this season. BSR Website tips:. ---- Click on this gray alert bar for tips & info: (1) answers to most questions can be found on our FAQ or on rules pages (2) Click on your team name in the schedule to see just your teams games (3) Are you missing emails from BSR? check our website FAQ under General FAQs for how to fix this

Bowling League Rules

Last updated:  2022 August

    Updated Rules:

  • 2 Dec 2022 - BSR policy on league tshirts has been updated
Blue text for the 2023 Winter season

Playoffs -

  • Seeds 5&6 play a play-in game to play seed #1.  The 2nd round of games will start as soon as the 1st game (the 5vs6 seeds) completes.  
  • One game to advance

Regular Season -

  • Each night players may go to the front desk and let them know your playing in the BSR bowling league and they will give you bowling shoes
  • Each teams #1 player name must be an abbreviation of their team name, initials, or start of the team name so we know which team each results are for.   (example:  for team SPLIT HAPPENS they could use SPLIT or SH )
  • Before Sunday after games are played the standings will be updated on the website and team captains will be emailed a PDF of the league results for that week

  • Each night teams will play 3 games with a max of 4 players bowling each game
  • The best 3 scores each game will be totaled for the team score for that game
  • Game points are awarded based on the results of each team.   (ie, the team with the highest score will be awarded 5 points; the team with the second highest score will be awarded 4 points and so on)   
  • If two or more teams tie in points scored they weill each be awarded the same points   (ie, say team A scores the most points at 400, and teams C and E each total to 390 points with the remaining two teams scoring less than 390.  Teams C & E will each get 4 points for that game while the other two will receive 2 and 1 points)
  • If a team has more than 4 bowlers roll in a game then both their highest and lowest bowler points will be excluded and the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th scores will be totaled to get the team total
 - BSR conditionally allows subs to play; if your team needs a sub one night be sure to read rules below in the rules  



Social 9pin bowling; a match vs another team of 3 games per night during the regular season.  Up to 4 bowlers can praticipate each game, but only the 3 highest scores will be totaled to calculate the teams score that game.  No handicaps added.  The goal is to have fun and socialize!   And please practice proper bowling ediquette.   (ie, wait to bowl if someone is activly bowling in an adjasant lane)


Participating players

  • Bowlers must wear proper bowlling shoes while bowling
  • Each team must have at least players in each game; players arriving late can only join in at the start of a new game.
  • Each team can have up to 4 bowlers praticipating in each game
  • Bowlers can be rotated between games
  • No bowler can bowl again until all other members present have bowled at least once (per match)



  • You can have as many players as you want on your roster, but the minimum number of players is 6.
  • Additional players, including players who register as free agents, can be added to the roster anytime until the third week of the season.
  • Captains are responsible for the conduct of teams. This means they’ll need to make sure all players are legal and conform to league play standards.
  • Teams caught with illegal players or subs will lose all games for that night.
    • If this happens twice, that team will be excluded from the playoffs.
  • All players must meet league player requirements. (FAQ - League Information - Player Requirements)
  • All players must wear their league tshirts to participate when league tshirts are provided. (FAQ - League Information - What if I paid late and have not received a league tshirt or forget my league tshirt one night?)
  • From time to time for various reasons players may become upset and curse, complain, and more.  When this occurs, our staff will respond and take actions from issuing a warning, to taking a time out, up to ejecting a player form the game.  For more info reference our FAQ. (FAQ - League Information - Ejections)
  • Team captains can request the referee for a roster check on thier opponents.  The roster check must be requested before the game begins.  Exception: a player who showed up and joined in after the game began, in this case the team captain needs to request the check when that new player first enters the game.





















When playing





* BSR recommends playing 4 players per game (2 on each side; each throwing 2 balls)


Equipment & Field Setup

  • Bowling shoes and balls will be available at the bowling alley
  • Starting 10 minutes prior to the first scheudled games of the night the lanes will be available for practice


League Scoring, Standings, and Seeding


Regular season

  • Each season will last 6 weeks, PLUS playoffs.
  • During the regular season, teams will play a match of 3 games vs an opponent
  • Each game the top 3 player scores for each team will be totaled togetehr and the team with the most points shall be awarded the win; ties are possible 
  • Seeding details this multi-game per night sport can be found in the FAQ (FAQ - League Information - How are standings calculated for the regular season?)


  • Teams will play a one game single elimination touranment for where all 1st round losers will praticipate in a one game single elimination best of the rest touranment
  • If your team has multiple forfeits or is caught using players that are not on your roster, you may be excluded from playoffs.
  • Playoff brackets are customized each season.


Game Rules

  • If a ball enters the gutter and then hits pins, any pins knocked down will count where they lay
  • Traditional bowling rules if not otherwise listed
  • Bowling bumpers may not be used
  • All bowlers must observe the regulations and rules of the locations where games are played


All rules are subject to change when and as needed by BSR staff.